Monday, 31 May 2010


This Is my mini GameBoy design, I have recently made a bigger version.

3D Glasses

This Design has illuminous colours, I am very pleased with the design as I can actually see through them.


This Strawberry took me a while to design as i was running out on black beads.


This is my blue duck as I like ducks, the day I made this I were wearing a top with multicolour ducks on.


This design is the design I used for the sapphire, this is the actual design as the sapphire went wrong.


This is my sapphire design, It has gone wrong as I put two extra black beads on the ends, but it doesn't look that different than the original design.


This is my ninja design, I like ninjas as I intend to be one.


Icecream designs

These are my designs that I made when it was a very hot weekend, the weekend was my inspiration for these designs.

Converse Shoe

This is an older design of mine, and I have changed it but I have not made it yet.

Pink Pacman Ghost

Red Pacman Ghost

Purple Pacman Ghost

Blue Pacman Ghost

Yellow Pacman Ghost

This is my yellow pacman ghost.

Green Pacman Ghost.

This is a Pacman ghost from the popular game, I have made it in a range of colours.

Baby Giraffe

This is the baby giraffe from my previous design.

Adult Giraffe

This is my design for the adult giraffe.


These are two designs as you can see, The on on the left is a Baby Giraffe and the right one is an adult giraffe, Giraffes are my favourite animal so I enjoyed making these designs.


This Boombox was a very fun design I enjoyed making it.

Mario Mushroom

This design was very tricky and took me a while to figure out, after I completed it, it got very easy. The top of the mushroom can have any colour or pattern.


This design includes:
50 Red beads, I made this design on Sunday 30Th of May 2010 As you can see this date on the picture is wrong, my camera has not been set to a proper time so i have just left it as it is new.